Thursday, 9 February 2017



It is possible to carry out a reflexology on yourself. Usually a therapist would start off with some relaxation techniques to both feet to warm and loosen the ligaments and relax the client before the treatment begins. Using techniques such as ankle, toe rotations and general effleurage/stroking or wringing type movements. After this each foot is worked on individually, one foot being covered up with a towel whilst the other is worked on. A basic treatment after relaxation techniques, would start with opening the five longitudinal lines of the foot. This is done by thumb walking in a caterpillar movement called cross hatching, in five lines going from the heel to the top of the foot. The energy centres of the body have then been opened. I always walk five lines on the big toe as well.

I then do a solar plexus press with the thumb and a diaphragm walk and press.(see foot chart for points).

Once the five longitudinal lines have been opened, a solar plexus and diaphragm press completed then a cross hatching, (thumb walking) is carried out over the entire foot excluding the toes. After which I then do a heart and lung press with a closed fist rotation at this point.

This process covers the whole body and major reflex points. However there are specific points which are rotated on at specific sites relating to joints and organs etc. So refer to the foot map to see which points you want to cover. The spine is located on the inside edge of each foot and is also finger or thumb walked separately, up and down the edge of the foot.  A reflexologist would cover all of the reflex points whilst looking and feeling for any areas of imbalance and congestion. These areas of imbalance/congestion are usually detected by areas which are either sore or painful for the client, or the therapist can feel a sponginess or inflexibility. Or crystal like deposits are felt under the skin. A therapist would pay more attention to these areas by rotating the thumb and pressing on them for longer if it was not too uncomfortable for the client.

The toes are treated separately and are individually thumb walked, inside each toe. And the backs of toes are also finger or thumb walked and pressed. The tops of toes are rotated on with a finger press and the big toe has many reflex points which need to be walked or pressed. Refer to the foot map for the relevant points. The tops of the feet, and points along the ankle and the sciatic nerve are carried out separately as well. A slight pinching movement, not too much, as it can be uncomfortable, being used for the sciatic nerve reflex at the back of the ankle and lower leg.

Once one foot has been worked on it is covered up and the same process is carried out for the other foot. It is important to do both feet or you may end up with a lopsided result. Once both feet have been worked and any areas of imbalance or congestion have been taken into account and treated accordingly, the session is usually followed by a relaxing foot massage using essential oils or carrier oil.

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