Saturday, 11 February 2017



History of the Stones

The earliest recorded use of stones as a therapeutic tool dates back to approximately 5000 years ago to the Mayan culture. Records also show the use of both hot and cold stones in china at around 4000 BC. Native American Indians have traditionally used heated stones as part of cleansing ceremonies in Sweat Lodges for example and stones were regarded by Shamans as "tools of the earth".

The application of hot and cold stones is known as "thermotherapy". This was documented in the 18th Century and later in the 19th century, when Sebastion Knelpp, a German naturopath experimented with the process of using hot and cold to improve circulation of blood and lymph in the body. He used baths of alternating hot and cold with his patients to boost the circulation which in turn he believed helped the person to achieve optimum health.

The term "Geothermotherapy" is used for the application of hot stones because Earth(geo) is used to deliver the temperature through the stones. You will find the process of giving and receiving a Hot Stone massage is a very grounding and earthing experience.

The hot stones are typically made up of volcanic" basalt" rock which is able to retain heat for a long time. Chilled stones are often made from marble.


1: Improves the muscle tone and general range of movement in the muscle.

2: improves the transportation of fluid around the body increasing blood and lymph supply to the area.

3: Encourages a more efficient interchange of nutrients and waste products in the tissues.

4: Improves psychological and emotional well-being.

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