Monday, 13 February 2017


There are a few different types of massage, the main differences between Swedish massage and aromatherapy massage is in the techniques that are used.  Aromatherapy massage is usually a gentle massage using lots of effleurage ( superficial stroking and deep stroking). Massage seems to have acquired something of a sleazy reputation with many people linking it into a euphemism for the sex industry. A holistic massage is a far cry from this and is beneficial for a wide range of problems and a holistic therapist would always act in a professional way as they have been trained to do so. During a full body massage a client is never left naked on a table, but are always covered by towels to retain their dignity. The towels are only removed when a particular body part is being massaged ie a leg or an arm and clients are advised to wear underwear and in the case of males, shorts.
The superficial stroke is performed with extremely light pressure using the entire palmar surface of the hand or fingers only. Relaxation of the contractive muscles may be obtained and muscle spasm overcome through the reflex response to superficial stroking.  The pressure is very  light and gentle, hands must be flexible and under perfect control so that the entire palmar surface will be in contact and conform to the contour of the area being massaged so that the pressure is equal at all points.  Direction towards the heart and rhythm is 7 inches per second.
The deep stroke does not necessarily imply that force should be used. Any stroking movement which is given with sufficient pressure to produce mechanical as well as reflex effects is classified as deep stroking even though the pressure may be light.  In order to apply this type of massage effectively it is essential to have all the client's muscles relaxed. Pressure is regulated according to the bulk and condition of the muscles. Rate and rhythm is 7 inches per second.

The beneficial effects of effleurage
1. Aids relaxation by the reflex effect on the tissues
2. Aids venous circulation by the effect on the tissues
3. Aids the lymphatic circulation by the effect on the tissues
4. Absorption and therefore elimination of waste products is quickened
In aromatherapy massage the therapist will usually use a lot of effleurage and  some compression movements which can be kneading or friction movements(petrissage)

Petrissage consists of repeatedly grasping and releasing the tissues with one or both hands or parts thereof in lifting, rolling or pressing movements.  Pressure is intermittent, great care must be used in this movement to avoid pinching the skin.  Direction will depend on the reason for the massage. Rate and rhythm are 7inches per second.
Friction is often performed with the fingers and thumbs.  Circular movements are performed over the skin in certain areas. Pressure is firm but not so heavy as to cause injury. Although the movement is in a circular direction, the pressure of the movement must be applied in the direction which will produce tension on the involved structures, thereby stretching and loosening them.
For an aromatherapy massage the therapist will have blended  essential oils for the client depending on what psychological or physical effect they have decided to achieve after a consultation before the treatment begins. Different essential oils can be used to either relax or uplift and energise a client. The oils are classed as top note, middle and base oils. Top note oils such as citrus oils, lemon and orange will have an uplifting and energising effect on the client. A middle note oil, such as lavender, will have a balancing effect and a base note oil such as rose will have a sedating and calming effect.
So an aromatherapy massage is a very holistic treatment with the aid of essential oils to affect the client on many levels.

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