Saturday, 18 February 2017


A  reiki healing session is usually a very pleasant experience.   The practitioner will usually have set the room up in advance of the treatment in several ways. Spiritually they will clear and prepare the space,this is done by drawing the reiki symbols(invisibly with the fingers) in the four corners of the room and also around or on the couch/bed that the client will be lying on.
I like to use very dim lighting or preferably candles and I usually have some soothing music playing in the background.  The recipient is then asked to lie comfortably, fully clothed on a therapist's couch and they are covered with a blanket or two. Healing can affect body temperature and some people will get cold quite quickly, the blankets also help to create a feeling of security.
The therapist will usually explain the treatment, which hand positions will be held etc. The majority of hand positions for reiki do not actually make contact with the recipient , the hands are held about 1 inch  or 2 above the body and the energy is channelled that way. However most reiki healers will begin to work intuitively and follow their own prompts, so you may find that the hands are held directly on to the body, ie the head and shoulders, feet etc. Except private parts, the energy centres for these are worked on either side of the hips.   The healer will be working on and around the chakras or energy points in the recipients body. I work with my eyes closed so that I can sense the energy as it flows through me.
A reiki healing session should never deplete the healer as we are not using our own energy, but are acting as channels so in effect we should also be receiving the healing energy at the same time. No two healing sessions are the same. Some people receiving the healing will have a multitude of sensations, emotions and changes in temperature, others will have no feelings or reactions. It is as it is and the healing as an intelligent energy will go to where it is needed, stimulating the recipients own healing mechanism.
I always advise people not to have any expectations or try to force anything but just to relax and let the reiki energy work as it should. A healer can say a prayer or an intention silently or audibly before the session to ask for healing for the person for their highest good. The reiki healer will be using the symbols, in their minds as a focus and to channel certain types of energy intuitively. i.e we have an emotional symbol, a power symbol(to boost the amount of energy required to a specific area or problem) and the Master symbol, which is said to be the most potent of all.
A healer working intuitively can pick up many things from the recipient, physical, emotional and mental problems can arise and the healer will work on these areas with the aid of the  symbols.
A healing session generally lasts around 45 minutes to 1 hour, however I maintain a session for only as long as I sense the energy flowing. I usually feel it start as tingling a the top of my head, this then seems to travel down my spine and out through my hands, and during the session I sense it as a pulsing like sensation.  Some areas of a recipient's body will have palpable blockages or imbalances and a healer can pick these up as either very cold or very hot spots.
I have had many reactions from clients over the years, some become extremely upset and tearful as blockages are released. Some have laughed, others see lights, images, swirling colours and feel tingling sensations in different parts of the body. A lot seem to go into a very deep sleep, it's all part of the healing process. Afterwards the recipient will be left to relax on the couch and should be given enough time to come around by themselves. However if you are working in a spa or healing centre with shared rooms, time can be problematic. So you may have to wake people up if they show no signs of coming back to themselves. This is quite common and some people say that they feel spaced out or even light headed after a session and their limbs may feel heavy. The best antidote to this is to drink water and go outside and take some deep breaths of air whilst stamping your feet to bring yourself back to earth, we call it grounding yourself.
The number of healing sessions required will vary from individual to individual and should be discussed accordingly.

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