In this level the student receives four attunements which awaken the energy centres in the hands, heart and third eye so that more Universal energy can flow through the practitioner. Each student learns to do a full body treatment on themselves, as well as all the hands-on positions for treating others. This level enables the student to give self treatments which can also be offered to family and friends. A 21 day self treatment is requested of all students. Each person receives a Reki I certificate and manual. it is recommended that a minimum of three months is given between Reiki I and Reiki II.
In this level the student learns the Sanskrit symbols rediscovered by Dr Usui and two more attunements are given. These increase the amount of energy flowing through the practitioner. In addition, the system for healing at a distance is taught. At this level the student is able to administer reiki to all those who wish to receive it. The student is requested to submit a number of case studies prior to completing reiki II then a certificate is awarded. Each person receives a manual at the end of the course. It is recommended that a minimum of six months is given between reiki II and reiki III if the recipient wishes to become a Master.
This is the Master level which trains the reiki practitioner to teach and give the attunements at each of the three levels. Each person is given a certificate and a special manual which covers all the steps of initiation and practice.
Regarding the symbols in level II. When I did my level II quite a few years ago(15 years) now we were told that the symbols were sacred and secret and should be memorised. To do this we had to practice drawing them on pieces of paper in our teaching sessions, after which they were then destroyed so no-one could read them. However since then the reiki symbols seem to be out in the public domain and freely available to anybody. I have even got a stained glass decanter on which the symbols have been painted by the artist who made the glass(not me). So I think maybe some of the potency and the mystery has been taken out of the reiki healing method by revealing the sacred symbols to the uninitiated. That being said however, as reiki is an energy it is probably more to do with the intent behind a healing session than the symbols themselves. All healing comes from source/God and that is what I believe reiki practioners are tapping into when they channel the energy. At the end of the day reiki practitioners are merely acting as channels for an energy from a higher source.
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